What & Why
InstallationEditor PluginsVisual Studio Code
Type Annotations
Type System
For Potential Contributors

Editor Plugins


Editor plugin still in development

You can improve your developer experience with Hegel by using editor integrations. Hegel tries to provide editor support for: Type hints and Error display.


  • Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Currently, the extension is still in development. So, you can try it only via debug mode.

To run the extension in debug mode you need to:

  1. Clone Hegel repo
$ git clone https://github.com/JSMonk/hegel
  1. Add hegel/packages/language-server to your VS code workspace. Do not open hegel or add hegel to your workspace, otherwise "Run and Debug" cannot find the .vscode/launch.json configuration.

  2. Go to the "Run and Debug" section

  3. Run "Extension" option